The Ultimate Lawsuit Avoidance, Asset Protection,
and Asset Preservation Package

Have you ever been in a lawsuit? Have you ever heard of people who got wiped out because they got sued? Do you have assets you worked hard to acquire and would like to keep?
Within 72 hours, our Asset Protection Structure can give you a lifetime of peace of mind from any lawsuit whether big and small that can disturb your life and wreak havoc over your business affairs.

Don’t Think it Can Happen to You?

Who is at Risk?

View these few questions and if you answer "yes" to at least 2 of these questions you are at risk.

Don't Think it Can Happen to You?

Or do you invite friends, family members, business associates or other people to your home?

Think You Have Enough Insurance?

While insurance coverage is a must, many times smart insured people do not read the exclusions part of their insurance.


Get Free Access to the Asset Protection Wealth Library


Every week our Team of Attorneys and Asset Protection Experts put together webinars to educate you and explain our structure. UNLOCK these recorded webinars for more information on setting up.

Meet Cherif

Principles for Business. Investing. Life.


Your net worth (including any cash sitting in a bank account)

Your home(s) (Primary residence AND vacation home)

Your investment properties (anywhere in the US)

Your business assets (in any state)

Your trading account Your cars and your boat

The Ultimate Asset Protection Structure

The idea was not to talk to attorneys who set up special asset protections, but to go to those who have litigated against them and unraveled these pre-packaged structures that seldom deliver what they sell as “personalized” structures.
We learned that the following does not stand a chance:
Through the brainstorming efforts of the top attorneys and some retired judges, we were able to formulate and finalize the ULTIMATE ASSET PROTECTION STRUCTURE that addresses all the points above and has precedent in US Federal and local courts.

In a Nutshell: The End Goal is Simplicity so Let’s Begin with Simplicity.

Your three lines of defense are:
Almost anyone with any asset needs the ULTIMATE ASSET PROTECTION STRUCTURE because it is the most powerful yet the simplest and least expensive set up. It has not been challenged in court because it has the proper legal precedent and economic substance to offer the three most important elements everyone needs:

Here is a Summary of How it Works:


“Cherif helps us make, keep, and grow money”

Charles W.
“The Asset Protection Data Was Worth It’s Weight in Gold”

“Cherif Uncovers Opportunities”

Bal S.

Robert J. Bluhm, Attorney

Robert J. Bluhm, Attorney
Bob Bluhm is one of the nation’s leading asset protection attorneys. During his 26 years as an attorney, Bob has been a trial lawyer and has represented several Fortune 500 companies as well as smaller, privately held businesses. As a speaker, Bob has shared the stage with notable political figures, such as Presidents Clinton and Bush, Margaret Thatcher, Mikhail Gorbachev, Benjamin Netanyahu, and financial figures, such as Donald Trump, Jim Cramer, David Bach, Jean Chatzky, Suze Orman and Robert Kiyosaki. He is the author of several articles on asset protection and is a contributor to “The Asset Protection Handbook.” Bob will share his years of insights into how you can protect yourself from lawsuits and use tax saving techniques to help you grow your wealth more quickly and securely.

Case Study #1

A commercial real estate investor bought an apartment building (high liability) in California and placed a large down payment.
Following the professional advice of a licensed person, he did the following:


The total cost for this set up in less than $6K all-inclusive (WY LLC’s Operating Agreement and state filing fees, the specific Promissory Note for the specific asset with the equity to be stripped and the individual Lien that complies with the specific state in which the asset is located).
The on-going yearly fee to maintain the one and only WY LLC is $450 to keep it in good standing with the registered agent and correct business filing etc. This is a fully structured Turnkey operation.

Case Study 2

A couple had their primary residence in Arizona and also two residential turnkey investment rental properties in their name in Ohio.
They met with a professional advisor and were told to the following:
The couple was fascinated by the entangled web of stealth set up and structures involving:
The cost was $1,500 per LLC entity due to “Special wording in the Operating Agreement” that is $6K plus the NC C Corporation that is anonymous $3K and finally a land Trust that the attorney threw in as a bonus free of charge.

After paying $9K the couple realized that to transact any business the process became very convoluted and the attorneys had to step in each time. So they subscribed to the attorneys. Monthly fee of $35/mo ($420/yr. Plus they had to commit to renewal fees on all 4 LLCs in the amount of $650 ea. And the NV Corp renewal and resident agent fees another $650 for a total of $650 x 5 = $3,250 per year plus the attorneys fees all an all close to $4K/yr
They ran into a few problems:
They felt more confused and more vulnerable than ever before but it was too late to unwind the structure that cost them $9K to set up $4K to maintain and another $2K in legal fees to deal with as stated above.

Solution: (What they could have done)

Finally if anyone tries to sue them, there would be no equity to go after!
The total cost for this set up in less than $6,200 all-inclusive (WY LLC’s Operating Agreement and state filing fees, the specific Promissory Note for the specific asset with the equity to be stripped and the individual Lien that complies with the specific state in which the asset is located).

The on-going yearly fee to maintain the one and only WY LLC is $450 to keep it in good standing with the registered agent and correct business filing etc.

(This is a fully structured Turnkey operation)

Got Questions about our Asset Protection Structure and How it Works?

Speak With our Support Team and Get Your Answers. Please select an available time slot for your appointment

121 South Orange Ave. Suite 1500 Orlando, FL 32801